A major deep clean of the house can be a daunting task for some (including me!), but it doesn’t have to be. Believe it or not, it is possible to turn cleaning into a fun activity, and once it’s done, you’ll feel SO, so good. Spring is a great time to do a deep clean of the house. The days are longer, there is more light, and leaves start to appear on the trees. Springtime is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. Doing a cleaning reset of the home is a great way to bring that feeling of spring freshness into your house. Let’s dive into my best tips on how to make cleaning a breeze!

1. Preparation is everything
This is the most important step if you want to have a good time while cleaning! Do whatever it takes to clear your schedule for the day and get into the mindset of cleaning by watching a couple of “home reset” videos on Tiktok or Instagram. I always become inspired to clean by wathing other people clean. Then, get into your favorite comfy clothes (that you’re not afraid to get dirty) and put on a fun playlist, podcast or audiobook. Wireless headphones are *chef’s kiss* for this. You are going to get hot and thirsty so pour yourself a big glass of your favorite drink (and don’t forget the ice!). If you’re a coffee person, enjoy a big cup before you start; you’re going to need the boost! I also always write a checklist before I start cleaning. This way I can tick off completed tasks along the way. It really helps me stay on track.
2. Having the right supplies is key
Organize your cleaning supplies and make sure you have everything you need on hand. Nothing is worse than starting to clean the house, then halfway through realize the rags you’re using are crap, and you’re out of soap. Invest in some cleaning supplies that actually work. I promise it’ll make cleaning 10x more efficient. You are going to need lots of cleaning rags (I prefer microfibre), a good mop, detergents, soaps, sponges, a bucket and a good vaccuum cleaner. We got a cordless stick vaccuum for Christmas and it has seriously been a game changer for us. It’s so much more fun to vaccuum now that I don’t have to drag a heavy vaccuum cleaner with a cord that is too short all around the house. I’ve also been loving cleaning supplies from “The Pink Stuff”. Their cleaning paste is literally magic. I use it with the Scrubb Daddy sponge for everything; white shoes, shower, oven, tiles… With a good sponge and some water it removes even the toughest stains. I’ve bought it with my own money and I’ll keep repurchasing it.

3. Give yourself rewards
Girl, you’re finally deep cleaning the house! Give yourself a reward after each room you finish to keep yourself motivated. The reward could be anything. A piece of chocolate, watching 10 mins of your favorite TV show, cuddling with your dog, a glass of iced tea… Just make sure it’s something you can look forward to. Plan for a larger reward once you’re finished with the whole house. It could be ordering your favorite takeout, watching a good movie or going out to a cafè.

4. Do it together
If you’re living with someone, do the deep clean together. Having company while cleaning makes it so much easier. You could work on each room together or you could do a couple of rooms each. When you’re finished, celebrate with a good meal! You deserve it.

5. Give yourself mini challenges
Whenever I’m 0% motivated to clean, I make it into an internal competition with myself. For example, “Let’s see if I can unload the dishwashed in less than 2 minutes!” 3,2,1, GO! Then I unload the dishwasher super fast. You could do the same for any cleaning task really. Give yourself challenges like “Clean the bedroom in less than 15 minutes”, and if you’re able to do it… you guessed it – give yourself a reward! It may sound silly but it’s actually a super helpful way to stay motivated.
6. Finish up by taking an “everything shower”
Once you’re finished cleaning, it’s time to clean yourself. Listen to some relaxing music while taking a well deserved “everything shower”. This means shaving, washing your hair, maybe doing a hairmask, as well as washing your face with a mild cleanser and cleaning your body. Moisturize your body and do your skincare routine after your shower, and put on some clean clothes. I promise you, you’ll feel so good after. Imagine this: Clean house, freshly showered and a nice reward waiting for you. Once it’s time to go to bed crawl into fresh bedsheets that smell clean. You get the picture.

And you’re done! Applaud yourself and take the rest of the day of. Enjoy your freshly cleaned home and maybe next time won’t be as daunting.